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Tonka Fitness Store

BET Build: Phase 1

BET Build: Phase 1

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
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[Phase 1 of 3 of the Big Energy Training "Build" Program]

This program primarily focuses on muscular endurance and hypertrophy training!

For those looking to increase strength, build muscle, and improve performance! 

Sample Day:

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
4-5 Sets 10-12 reps
- rest as needed btw sets - 
*load heavy and use some momentum in the reps

Chest Support Incline DB Row
4-5 Sets 10-12 reps
- rest 2:00 btw sets - 
*big pause and pinch shoulder blades at the top each set

Half Kneeling High to Low Row
3-4 Sets 12-15 reps/side
Incline Bench DB Bicep Curls
3-4 Sets 12-15 reps
- rest no more than 2:00 btw sets - 

Straight Arm Cable Lat Pulldowns
3-4 sets 15-20 reps
Cable Reverse Curls (straight bar)
3-4 sets 15-20 reps
- rest no more than 2:00 btw sets -

Double DB Shrugs
3 sets 12-15 reps w/pause at top each set
- rest as needed btw sets - 

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